Baypoint Kennel has unique training grounds. With several different pieces of water, each designed specifically for dog training, a plethora of concepts can be taught.
In addition to the home farm, hundreds of acres of land offer wide open fields, rolling hills, gully’s and other type of terrain. This incredible variety of land and water allow setups for young dogs to advanced, all– age dogs.
Baypoint Kennels is located near Port Rowan, a quaint small village on the north shore of Lake Erie bordering Long Point, Ontario. Known worldwide for fabulous duck hunting it’s a dogs paradise.
From Buffalo, N.Y.: – approximately 2 hrs. Cross at Fort Erie (Peace Bridge) take Hwy 3 to Jarvis. Turn left (south) on Hwy 6 to regional Road 3. Turn right on regional Road 3 (west) to the “T” in the road. Turn left. Go to Hwy 59 and then turn left (south) into Port Rowan.
From Windsor, ON or Detroit, MI: - cross at Ambassador Bridge to Windsor. Take Hwy 3 east to the 401. Continue east on the 401 to exit 218 at Hwy 19. Go south towards Tillsonburg. Turn left on Hwy 3 (east) to Hwy 59. Turn right (south) on Hwy 59 into Port Rowan.
From Toronto, ON: - approximately 2 hours. Take Hwy 401 to Norfolk Co. Rd 59 (Delhi Exit). Take 59 south to Co. Rd 13 in Holbrook. Turn right onto 13 and continue to traffic lights at Hwy 3/ Co. Rd. Intersection. Continue straight back onto Hwy 59 south. Travel through Langton, and Walsingham towards Port Rowan.
From Hamilton, ON: - take Hwy 403 to Hwy 6 south headed towards Port Dover. Turn right onto St. James Rd (old Hwy 3) and continue to traffic lights at Hwy 24. Turn left onto 24 and continue to Hwy 59. Turn left on 59 and continue south towards Port Rowan.